What are the top Walmart SEO ranking factors?

Walmart SEO ranking factors

Google is the leading search engine right now and you must be working very hard to rank on it. But if you are in the ecommerce space, your efforts are probably a waste. Why? Because when it comes to ecommerce, Google is not the leader. It is Walmart that rules with an iron fist. So, if you are an Walmart seller (you should be) and aren’t concentrating on Walmart SEO, your efforts on Google won’t matter at all.
Now, another thing you should know here is that Walmart and Google are different. Walmart has its own ranking factors. You cannot replicate them on Walmart. Keeping that in mind, here are a few of the top Walmart SEO ranking factors that you must understand:
  1. Performance factors: Walmart will only rank your product well if you bring the most profit for it. That is why performance factors play such an important role. These include these include conversion rate, images, and price.
  • Walmart has image guidelines that you must follow. Your image must be large and activate zoom.
  • The price of your products must be competing enough. It should also compete with same or similar products on other websites. At the end of the day, it is the conversion that matters and obviously, price plays an important role in this.
  • Conversion rate is something that can be very tricky. This is calculated keeping the sessions in mind. A session is the amount of time spent on your listing or Walmart page by a user. How Walmart really works with this is unclear but if you can do justice to the other factors, this won’t be a major concern.
       2. Relevance factors: This is where you will have the most work to do. These factors include title, description, search terms, et cetera.
  • Title: Your title must have crucial details of the product such as the brand, size, quantity, material, and product line. Walmart strongly discourages keyword stuffing. You should be very careful about that here.
  • Description: Your description should clearly showcase what the product is all about. Think like the user and answer any questions you think you could have while buying the product. This helps sales as well.
  • Bullet points: A recent study showed that bullet points were actually more important than the description itself. This is because they show details of the product in a glance. One thing to remember here is to add the keyword in the bullet points. It helps ranks better.
  • Search terms: It is easy to go wrong here especially if you have used PPC before. Walmart gives you five fields for search terms. Each field allows 50 characters. Enter the most important search term in the first field. Do not repeat any word and avoid spelling mistakes. You don’t need to use variations of a particular search term no matter how important you think it is.

That’s about it! This is all you need to know about Walmart SEO ranking factors. Go on, get selling!